Your child between 17-25 has been in trouble and struggled but you know they are better
turn them into a source of pride in 90 days
The 3 Immediate Changes
Change #1
Your Young Adult will Immediatley become more Calculating and Efficient
Change #2
Your Family will finally realize what a Real Support Network feels like
" Leverage Your Influence as a Parent,
a Mentor, a Friend."
"You did every bit of this without feeling guilt,
feeling ashamed, or being blamed."
Change #3
Your Young Adult is drving the entire process with focus and determination
" Making a complete 180 degree turn in
the right direction.
"Living Everyday with a Maximum
Achievement Mentality"
The Call
The Guarantee
Exactly What You Get
" The First 48 Hours are crucial! We take an immediate deep dive into the program. How and Why the Program Works for You and take an immediate glimpse into a Pain and Anxiety-Free lifestyle."
Special Onboarding Episode
Podcast " Parenting Your Child in Recovery"
Richard has been a nurse for over 37 years in the fields of Corrections and Substance abuse and brings a single-minded passion to teaching the families of young adults in recovery how to maximize the tools they already possess, Re-build and re-structure the support network of people who love and care for them without guilt or shame, and make the threat of relapse a thing of the past. is the culmination of that dream.